Welcome to Trips in the Cloud
The best solution for GPS trip registration and online tracking
Trips in the cloud is easy to use. Plug and play in your car, use the mobile app and start your trip registration right away.

OBD GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Accu GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Inbouw GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

OBD GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Accu GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Inbouw GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

OBD GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Accu GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App

Inbouw GPS Tracker 2G
Incl. 30-dagen gratis proefperiode Kilometerregistratie App
Tax proof
Meets the requirements stipulated by the Dutch tax authorities for mileage registration.
Including SIM card
Our GPS Trackers come equipped with a functioning SIM card (roaming within the EU) and are delivered fully operational.
Mileage Tracking App
View the completed trips in the Mileage Tracking App on desktop, Android of iPhone.
Prepaid: no contract
You pay for 6 or 12 months in advance. This will be automatically renewed but you may cancel at any time.
Market leader in the Netherlands
With over 40,000 vehicles on our platform, we are one of the market leaders in the Netherlands.
Free vehicle exchange
You can transfer the GPS to your new car. We will add it free of charge.
Includes 30 days free
Mileage Tracking App
Proven effective with over 40,000 cars on our tracking platform.
The app can be used in combination with all our GPS trackers.
- Easy trip registration and mileage reporting
- Live within 24 hours
- Tax approved
- Works in browser, Android and iPhone

Thanks to Trips in the Cloud, we save a lot of time making mileage reports every month
I recently bought the GPS device from Trips in the Cloud. I plugged it into my car myself. It is nice that I can easily plug it in and unplug it and that the GPS is not built into the car. It saves me a lot of costs. Really easy to use and reliable. Highly recommended, very handy!
– Kevin van der Steen
Trips in the Cloud is an online system for trip registration and mileage tracking
It consists of a GPS Tracker equipped with a SIM card that you put in your car and it automatically records all your trips. You can review all trip data via our website or app (Android and iPhone). All historical trip data are stored so you can charge them on to your business. Upon request you can also provide them to the tax authorities and thus avoid fiscal addition for your company car. Tax proof!
Who should use Trips in the Cloud?
Self-employed professionals, entrepreneurs or employees with a company car who want to avoid fiscal addition and who drive less than 500 kilometres privately per year. Drivers who want to record their trips automatically… e.g., to charge on business trips. The Dutch tax authorities require business drivers to prove that they (almost) never use their leased car privately. If you have a leased car and want to avoid fiscal addition, keeping automatic trip logs is the solution. With Trips in the Cloud, you record all trips and these data can be reviewed 24/7 via the online trip registration system.